Wallet Tracking is a great way to see how Smart money moves around the ecosystem while also helping you analyze a users decisions. With wallet tracking, its easier to see the fundamentals and decision-making done by some of the people on top of the food-chain. Through this, there are many things you take from them and apply it into your everyday trading methods. This is in no means telling you to copy trade


Through this, taking into account how paper-trading doesn't always play in your favor. It is always way more beneficial if you dive deeper into a project that was bought by a higher-up in this space or mentioned by an someone educated in the space, and find an entry that suits you the best without risking 50% or higher of your portfolio.

Benefits to take away from Wallet Tracking:

The more they buy, it is a higher sign that they are bullish on the project. Checking the frequency on their buying is also key. Are they buying all at once? Are they averaging down their buys? Are they buying into the hype in hopes that users will continue to FOMO?

Tracking when a user buys, publicly speaks about the project, then tracking when they sell shows the character of the trader. If they are using their influence to make their bags bigger while yours gets smaller, its a simple goodbye from me. Many influencers take advantage of the power they have, this is why copy-trading is not recommended.

Tracking wallets will help you find a consistency in what a user buys; more utility focused projects, projects with respected teams, unique art. Everyone has a certain checklist when buying a project, cross-checking yours with factors that helped the more profitable traders will in return, help you become a better trader as well.